strand buurtwag
strand neighbourhood watch
Baie dankie vir u belangstelling in lidmaatskap van STRAND BUURTWAG.
Lidmaatskap bestaan uit OBSERVEERDERS en PATROLLEERDERS:
OBSERVASIELEDE vorm deel van ons netwerk se oë en ore in die gemeenskap. Jy kry toegang tot Strand Buurtwag se Observasie WhatsApp groep en tot die 24/7 NOODNOMMER vir die rapportering van kriminele elemente en verdagte situasies in u buurt. Die noodnommer-beheerkamer versprei dan u informasie na ‘n netwerk van Strand Buurtwag Patrolleerders en sekuriteits vennote vir bystand.
PATROLLEERDERS vorm deel van ‘n span aktiewe lede wie ingedeel word op ‘n patrollierooster en gemiddeld elke 11 dae ‘n patrollieskof ry. ‘n Minimum vereiste vir so ‘n skof is 2 ure en bywoning van ‘n maandelikse patrollievergadering by Strand Buurtwag se perseel. Opleiding en toerusting sal verskaf word en nadat ‘n induksiekursus voltooi is, sal jy in ‘n span ingedeel word en ook op die patrollie Whatsapp groep geplaas word. Jy vorm dan deel van die ruggraat en reaksie span van Strand Buurtwag.
Thank you for your membership interest for STRAND NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH
Membership consists of OBSERVATION members and PATROL members.
OBSERVATION members form part of our network’s eyes and ears in the community. You will have access to Strand Neighbourhood Watch’s WhatsApp Observation Group and the 24/7 EMERGENCY NUMBER for reporting criminal elements and suspicious situations in your area. The emergency number control room will then distribute your information to a network of Strand Neighbourhood Patrollers and security partners, for assistance.
PATROLLERS form part of a team of active members, who are divided into teams on a patrol roster and drive on average every 11 days. A minimum requirement for such a shift is 2 hours and attendance at a monthly patrol meeting at Strand Neighbourhood Watch premises. Training and equipment will be provided and after completing an induction course, you will be divided into a team and placed on the patrol Whatsapp group. You then form part of the backbone of the Strand Neighbourhood Watch.